Who are we?

Effective disciple-making takes place through close relationships. The Missional Discipleship Initiative (MDI) strengthens congregations and their ministries through intentional, authentic, and relational disciple-making. This happens by implementing Missional Discipleship Groups (MDGs) and Learning Circles, or Huddles

Mennonite Mission Network is responding to the cry for help initially made by Racial/Ethnic congregations around the church who have called for resources to help them grow and train church leaders through intentional discipling in their home communities.

Relational disciple-making isn't for the impatient. Although MDI's implementing process lasts eight months, the work of disciple-making takes years.

​¿Quiénes somos?

El proceso de discipulado, para que sea efectivo, debe de ocurrir a través de relaciones estrechas. La Iniciativa de Discipulado Misional (IDM) fortalece a las congregaciones y a sus ministerios a través de un discipulado altamente relacional, intencional y auténtico. Esto sucede mediante la implementación de Grupos de Discipulado Misional  (GDMs) y de Círculos de Aprendizaje Virtual (CA), o "Huddles". 

La Red Menonite de Misiones está respondiendo al clamor de ayuda inicialmente hecho por congregaciones que representan a las minorías étnicas alrededor de la iglesia las cuales han solicitado de recursos que les ayuden a hacer crecer y a capacitar a los líderes de la iglesia a través de un discipulado intencional dentro de sus comunidades.

El discipulado intencional-relacional  no es para los impacientes. Aunque el proceso de implementación de IDM dura ocho meses, ¡la tarea de hacer discípulos lleva años!

 About MDI's director

Marvin Lorenzana, D.Min.

Background: Marvin Lorenzana was born in Tegucigalpa, capital city of Honduras. In 1994 he felt called by God to become a missionary to the third country in the world with most Hispanics after Mexico and Spain: the United States of America!  In the USA, he has served as a Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor, Senior Pastor and Church Planter in assignments in New Orleans, Louisiana, El Paso, Texas, Miami, Florida, and more recently in Harrisonburg, Virginia. He is a licensed minister with Mennonite Church USA. Marvin lives in Harrisonburg along with his wife Mariana. They have two children, Pablo and Alexa, and a granddaughter, Sophia.  

Work: Marvin currently works for Mennonite Mission Network as Director for Discipleship Initiatives (MDI). In his rol, Marvin coaches Implementing Leaders on how to develop intentional-relational discipling cultures within the local church. For this purpose, he works with a growing number of Virtual Learning Huddles which provide a meaningful communal experience for leaders where they feel supported, equipped and challenged to grow in their missional outlook and experience.

Education: Marvin has a BS in Management & Organizational Development from Eastern Mennonite University. He also has a Masters of Divinity from Eastern Mennonite Seminary. Furthermore, Marvin completed a  Doctor of Ministry degree from Asbury Theological Seminary where he was a Beeson Scholar. His Ministry Transformational Project (dissertation) title was, "Missional Discipleship Initiative: Coaching Leaders to Develop Discipling Cultures Within Hispanic Churches Part of Mennonite Church USA."

Contact Marvin Lorenzana