Divide, Colorado

Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp

-- Divide, Colorado

Flexible term
Ages 25+



string;#​​<span class='ms-rteStyle-videoWrapper' unselectable='on'><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HQ53TdlHYGs" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></span>



Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp is a ministry of the Mountain States and South Central Mennonites Conferences. Service opportunities include maintenance, food services, and housekeeping from September to May. In June through August, volunteers are needed in the office and other tasks as needed. All volunteers will have a chance to interact with campers, guests and other weekend volunteers. The terrain is rugged, and adjustment to the elevation of 9,620 feet is a necessary reality taking one or two days. **Altitude sickness can result if you do not take time to adjust to the elevation.** Staying overnight at a middle altitude (Colorado Springs or Denver) greatly helps as does proper hydration. The summer months offer temperatures in the range of 70-80 degrees in the afternoons with many cool mornings. Lodging: Volunteers are provided with available facilities and food at no cost, which might range from a bedroom with beds only with meals provided at camp, or a small apartment-style accommodation with a private kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom. Your accommodation will be based on the time of year, and the number of guests at the camp. RV hookups with water, sewer and electric are available from June to September only.



string;#<div class='title-With-Background'><a href='https://mmngiving.formstack.com/forms/full_application_starter_v2?What_are_you_applying_for=SOOP&Program=SOOP&What type of work would you like to do=Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp&Do you have a geographical or service location preference please list in order of preference=Divide United States'>Apply</a></div>



Frequently asked questions about SOOPhttps://www.mennonitemission.net/info1/Frequently asked questions about SOOPFrequently asked questions about SOOP

Constituent ID: 528045