Every organization has a purpose, an answer to the deceptively simple question, "Why?" At Mennonite Mission Network, the answer to that question is: to lead, mobilize and equip the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ — across the street, all through the marketplaces and around the world.
In this Q&A series, Mission Network asks staff members to think about the role they play in the agency and how they see their daily work joining into what God is doing around the world.
Tim Yoder has been leading Mennonite Mission Network's information technology department since 2006.
What brought you to your role with Mennonite Mission Network?
I grew up as a Mennonite preacher's son, so I have always been active in the Mennonite church and been interested in Mennonite organizations and the role they play in furthering God's work on earth. In 2006, I was preparing for a sabbatical, after 10 years working in Goshen (Indiana) College's business department, where I was an associate professor of business information systems. David Weaver and Erwin Rempel of Mennonite Mission Network contacted me to see if I would be interested in working on a project for the agency. I agreed to do a research project that involved a full evaluation of the technology and staff of the Mission Network Information Technology (IT) department. The following year, David and Erwin approached me again and asked if I would be interested in a part-time, interim engagement as director of Information Technology for Mennonite Mission Network, so I could implement the primary findings of my report. We came to an agreement that has continued to be renewed every year. I gave a talk several years ago during which I said, "I came for the project, was inspired by the people and stayed for the purpose that I found at Mennonite Mission Network."
What is your favorite part of your role with Mission Network?
Building effective teams to solve problems with an efficient use of people and technology gives me energy and satisfaction. In my role as director of IT at Mission Network, I get to do these things, and it helps further God's kingdom work, which provides so much meaning for me.
How has your perspective on your role with Mission Network changed during your time with the agency?
I initially came to fix a somewhat dysfunctional IT department. Our department's goal became to provide the most up-to-date and cost-effective IT resources for the organization, while maximizing value and service. This is still our team's goal today. However, now, we also try to move beyond just the support role to one that seeks ways to proactively collaborate with other departments to further organizational mission initiatives.
How do you see your role with Mission Network fitting into God's mission for the church?
God gives many gifts, which manifest in each one of us differently. We can find ways to participate in God's work on earth with our gifts. For me, being able to use the gifts God gave me to provide value to Mission Network and the people working here is one of the ways I fit into God's mission for the church.
What is something that has surprised you about your role with Mission Network?
I am continually surprised that what started as a part-time, interim role has continued to be valuable and fulfilling for both me and Mission Network. "I came for the project, was inspired by the people and stayed for the purpose" is as true today as it ever was.