Lois Buckwalter, one of the first Mennonites to engage in mission that accompanied existing Indigenous evangelical churches in preserving their language and cultural manner of worship, died March 8. Lois Miriam Buckwalter, 102, was among the first Mennonites ...
Mennonite Mission Network ministry in Argentina began with the arrival of the first Mennonite missionaries in Latin America in 1917. The centennial of their arrival was celebrated in September 2017, and then in September 2019 the Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Argentina (IEMA – Argentina Mennonite Church) also celebrated the centennial of the first baptisms, marking the beginning of the church. Currently Mission Network partners with the IEMA in leadership development, camp ministries and church-planting mission programs. Long-term work with the indigenous evangelical churches in the Chaco is also supported by the IEMA through the sending of mission workers from the Iglesia Menonita de Bragado.
Mission Network has been involved in global mission partnerships with IEMA regional church-planting mission programs since 1998. At present one partnership involving MC USA congregations continues: Visión Evangelística y Misionera de la Región Central (Evangelistic Missionary Vision of the Central Region –VEMCE, formerly known as VEMZO), together with a cluster of congregations from Atlantic Coast Conference in Pennsylvania. Mission Network also continues to relate with the Proyecto Misionero Patagónico (PMP) and Programa Misionero al Norte de Argentina (PROMINOA) as mission programs of the IEMA. Many of the church-planting missionaries sent by Argentine mission programs in earlier years are now pastoring the churches they planted. Congregations also strive to meet needs within their communities, including education and ministries with children and youth.
Mennonite mission work with indigenous people in Argentina’s northern Chaco region began in 1943. Mennonite ministries encourage the indigenous churches in their development of leaders and in their unique style of worship and organization, as well as supporting Bible translation and leadership development work. The Sociedad Bíblica Argentina has been a partner in multiple projects for Bible translation in indigenous languages.
In 2004, Bragado Mennonite Church sent Alfonsina and José Luis Oyanguren to the Chaco where they serve as International Partnership Associates with Mission Network. The Iglesia Menonita de Bragado together with the Central zone of IEMA and two Ohio and one Pennsylvania congregation support Alfonsina and José Oyanguren in their Mennonite Team ministry in the Argentine Chaco.