
Advent devotional Ver versión en español This Advent devotional comes from Devocionales 2022-2023, a book of devotionals produced by the Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (MTAL — Movement of Anabaptist Women doing Theology from ...

Brazil overview

German-speaking Mennonites from Russia began migrating to Brazil in 1930. They established farm communities, settled in the southern cities, and formed German-speaking congregations. These churches formed the Associaçâo das Igrejas Menonitas do Brasil (AIMB).

North American Mennonites arrived in Brazil in the 1950s to work among Portuguese-speaking people, contributing to the formation of the Aliança Evangélica Menonita (AEM). Some congregations started by the AIMB also joined the AEM.

Mennonite and Mennonite Brethren conferences in Brazil work together in Faculdade Fidelis – Curso de Pedagogia, Curso de Psicologia e Curso de Teologia em Curitiba for higher education, including a new online theology curriculum.

Junta Menonita de Missões Internacionais (JMMI), for international mission work, was established in 1998 by AEM, and Brazilian workers were sent to Mozambique and Albania the following year. AEM continues to support workers in Albania, as well as emerging congregations in their regions.

Mennonite Mission Network supports the leadership development and mission involvements of AEM.



Advent Devotional
By Deusilene Milhomem de Carvalho
Advent Devotional
By Gladys Ojeda Siemens, Iglesia Evangélica Menonita de Agua Verde, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil