There was always room at Wilma Shank’s table, whether her home was in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Côte d’Ivoire or the United States. Wilma and her husband, David, served with Mennonite Board of Missions from 1950-1989. She ...
Mennonite mission workers began work in Cote d’Ivoire in 1978 at the invitation of the local Harrist Church. (Harrism evolved from the ministry of William Wadé Harris, a Liberian preacher who evangelized in West Africa in the early 20th century.)Since then, workers have collaborated there with many other African churches as well, primarily in the areas of Bible instruction, leadership training, and the creation of curriculum materials on West African church history.Over the past several years, mission workers have provided assistance to the Protestant Anabaptist Church of Cote d’Ivoire, founded in 1995.