
Versión en español ELKHART, IN (Mennonite Mission Network) — The 32nd issue of Missio Dei, a publication of Mennonite Mission Network, describes 20 years of Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (Movement of Anabaptist ...

Guatemala overview

Mennonite Mission Network has a long-term relationship with SEMILLASeminario Anabautista Latinoamericano based in Guatemala City. SEMILLA works at a regional level providing Anabaptist study materials and educational programs. In November 2016 SEMILLA hosted a meeting with Spanish language Anabaptist theological education programs to develop cooperative efforts for studying online. The Comunidad de Instituciones Teológicas Anabautistas (CITA) was formed at this gathering to facilitate collaborative on-line theological education.

The Mennonite churches in Guatemala have primary relationships with Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM). Mission Network is grateful for EMM’s collaboration, especially in the ministries together with the Kekchi indigenous Iglesia Nacional Evangélica Menonita Guatemalteca (INEMGUA).




Remembering John Driver
Celebrating rural women
Kekchi trauma workshops