Episode 1: Multiethnic (A vision for the church in mission) | 4 Ms | Video | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5125/Episode-1-Multiethnic-A-vision-for-the-church-in-mission | Episode 1: Multiethnic (A vision for the church in mission) | | 2024-09-05T04:00:00Z | By Joe Sawatzky | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Episode 2: Multiplying (A vision for the church in mission) | 4 Ms | Video | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5126/Episode-2-Multiplying-A-vision-for-the-church-in-mission | Episode 2: Multiplying (A vision for the church in mission) | | 2024-09-05T04:00:00Z | By Joe Sawatzky | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Episode 3: Maturing (A vision for the church in mission) | 4 Ms | Video | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5127/Episode-3-Maturing-A-vision-for-the-church-in-mission | Episode 3: Maturing (A vision for the church in mission) | | 2024-09-05T04:00:00Z | By Joe Sawatzky | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Episode 4: Mutual (A vision for the church in mission) | 4 Ms | Video | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5128/Episode-4-Mutual-A-vision-for-the-church-in-mission | Episode 4: Mutual (A vision for the church in mission) | | 2024-09-05T04:00:00Z | By Joe Sawatzky | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Bonus Episode: Spirtual gifts (A vision for the church in mission) | 4 Ms | Video | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5129/Bonus episode-Spiritual-gifts-A-vision-for-the-church-in-mission | Bonus Episode: Spirtual gifts (A vision for the church in mission) | | 2024-09-05T04:00:00Z | By Joe Sawatzky | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Building community, building peace | Building community | | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/extending-beyond/5124/Building-community-building-peace | Building community, building peace | | 2024-09-04T04:00:00Z | By Joani Miller | | | GP0|#005255df-cae0-43a4-9c0d-f05d77618925;L0|#0005255df-cae0-43a4-9c0d-f05d77618925|Extending Beyond;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Meet Mission Network board member George Thompson! | Meet the Board | Video | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5121/Meet-Mission-Network-board-member-George-Thompson | Meet Mission Network board member George Thompson! | | 2024-09-03T04:00:00Z | Mennonite Mission Network staff | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Midwives in Chad help to reduce maternal mortality | Midwives save lives | | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5097/Midwives-in-Chad-help-to-reduce-maternal-mortality | Midwives in Chad help to reduce maternal mortality | | 2024-07-22T04:00:00Z | | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Meet Ben and Laurel — named co-directors of the Paris Mennonite Center | Paris | Video | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5096/Meet-Ben-and-Laurel-named-co-directors-of-the-Paris-Mennonite-Center | Meet Ben and Laurel — named co-directors of the Paris Mennonite Center | | 2024-07-17T04:00:00Z | Interview with Ben and Laurel Woodward-Breckbill | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Walking on water: A Bible story | Walking on Water | | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5088/Walking-on-water-A-Bible-story | Walking on water: A Bible story | | 2024-06-25T04:00:00Z | By David Fast and Horace McMillon | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Living in community | Service Adventure | Video | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5058/Living-in-community | Living in community | | 2024-04-15T04:00:00Z | | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |
Youth Venture to South Korea | Apply now! | | | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5060/Youth-Venture-South-Korea | Youth Venture to South Korea | | 2024-04-02T04:00:00Z | | | | GP0|#73467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717;L0|#073467b94-1a1f-4e77-bca3-83c8dc06f717|Video;GTSet|#544fcc8d-5de2-49c8-9d51-afee09323476 | | |