Created by Sarah and Jonathan Nahar
Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Episode 9: Next steps

Study guide

Focus statement/synopsis:

The feeling that everything is falling apart can be overwhelming. It's tempting to look away from the pain.  

So how do we respond to the violence we see in our neighborhoods and around the world? We won't end violence just by telling people not to use violence. Telling people to be peaceful, but not attending to the harm they have experienced, is careless. 

Nonviolence means being involved in the hard work of making positive change. It's not a matter of advising from a comfortable position. 

If you're ready to go deeper with nonviolent direct action, find an in-person training. There are a number of groups ready to support your community's continued learning. 



Read Luke 4:14-30.  


Opening ritual:  

Practice the prayer of awareness.  


Group discussion. 

Re-read verses 18-20 of Luke 4. It is important to understand the tumultuous context in which Jesus read and expounded upon these words. His interpretation of Isaiah 61:1-2 was not without consequence. 



Together, read and discuss the Covenant of Nonviolence by the Poor People's Campaign.  


Small group/partner discussion questions: 

  1. What skills do you have that you think would be helpful in a nonviolent direct action campaign?  
  1. What skills would you like to cultivate?  
  1. How do you plan to train up those skills?  


Large group discussion question 

What are the next steps in your group's journey toward nonviolent direct action? 


Close in prayer. 




The following resources can assist you, if you would like to learn more about nonviolent direct action. 


Additional resources: 




 Related articles



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