Hope and peace shine through in difficult timesMarch 2022GP0|#c82282c9-ac80-45f6-8913-587c567bdd34;L0|#0c82282c9-ac80-45f6-8913-587c567bdd34|Extending Beyond;GTSet|#bb9274b4-45fe-43f1-8b69-3df0b933cdb0;GPP|#a82c2124-212e-4f7a-b626-9a0c5a3534c2;GPP|#96e4d92c-656e-45f6-9cd5-ab8aed108e3chttps://www.mennonitemission.net/resources/publications/Extending Beyond/762/Hope and peace shine through in difficult timesHope and peace shine through in difficult timesExtending Beyond



<h2>​We are being transformed<br></h2><p>By Mike Sherrill<br></p><p><br></p><p>The only constant in the world is change, which most humans tend to resist. Change can be devastating — or it can be transformative. Sometimes change can sneak up on a society, like the multi-year pandemic that has sadly upended — and ended — lives all around the globe.  </p><p>As we encounter change, how can we choose transformation over discouragement? Let us be mindful to take in the things that will bolster our commitments to follow Christ and leave behind the things that make us worry and give us doubts. We are called to Be Transformed during this time. </p><p>Mennonite Mission Network is here for you with programs and resources to support your journey of transformation with hope, joy and peace. As followers of Christ, the good news we share as we accompany others will let God's light shine through in these extraordinary times.  <br><br>Mike Sherrill<br>Executive Director</p><p><br></p>




Hope and peace shine through in difficult timeshttps://assets.mennonites.org/Downloads/ExTending_Mar_C22.pdfHope and peace shine through in difficult timesEnglish




Hope and peace shine through in difficult timeshttps://www.mennonitemission.net/extending-beyond/4683/Hope-and-peace-shine-through-in-difficult-times-Hope and peace shine through in difficult timesBy Zachary Headings