We are better togetherMay 2024GP0|#c82282c9-ac80-45f6-8913-587c567bdd34;L0|#0c82282c9-ac80-45f6-8913-587c567bdd34|Extending Beyond;GTSet|#bb9274b4-45fe-43f1-8b69-3df0b933cdb0;GPP|#a82c2124-212e-4f7a-b626-9a0c5a3534c2;GPP|#96e4d92c-656e-45f6-9cd5-ab8aed108e3chttps://www.mennonitemission.net/resources/publications/Extending Beyond/996/We are better togetherWe are better togetherExtending BeyondBy Marisa Smucker, Executive Director



<p>Mennonite Mission Network approaches mission by joining churches, communities and organizations upon invitation. We only go where we are invited by the people in the local contexts and cultures. Through these invitations, we enter relationships with churches, communities and organizations around the world.  </p><p>We value these relationships, because they enrich us by sharing stories that bring a deeper level of cross-cultural understanding that breaks down perceived barriers and stereotypes. Space is created for transformational experiences, and we are invited to become advocates for justice and to work toward peace. Above all, these relationships reflect, embody and spread the good news of Jesus Christ. </p><p>Mission Network's partnership with Comunidad de Instituciones Teológicas Anabautistas (Community of Anabaptist Theological Institutions, CITA) has Anabaptist conviction at its core. The Anabaptist conviction, or belief, that community is the center of our lives is central to this partnership. Jesus created a community when he walked on this earth. His community did everything together — eating, traveling, learning and serving.  </p><p>In this newsletter, you'll read about the holy community that CITA representatives forged earlier this year. The conversations they shared centered around how to re-energize the church. Discussions like these are more profound and meaningful when held together with a community. Concepts can be challenged, new ideas brought up and old ones refined. When the church works collectively, we catch a glimpse of the kingdom of God on earth. <br></p><p><br>Marisa Smucker<br>Executive Director</p><p>​</p>




We are better togetherhttps://assets.mennonites.org/Downloads/Extending_May_C24.pdfWe are better togetherEnglish
