Mennonite Voluntary Service Placement

Intake and Clinic Assistant plus Legal Advocate


Service Agency: Homeless Advocacy Project

Age Range: Ages 20+

Categories: Disability, Housing

Service Length: 1 or 2 year term

Tasks: Advocacy, Client Services, Legal aid

Intake and Clinic Assistant plus Legal Advocate

The Intake and Clinic Assistant will provide direct service to homeless and at-risk single adult and family clients of the Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP), and will perform administrative tasks to further project goals. With training and supervision by HAP attorney staff, the Intake and Clinic Assistant will interview clients at HAP’s legal clinic one day a week. After undertaking a “comprehensive legal needs assessment,” the intern will then assist the client by providing advice, advocacy or other direct assistance, referral to an expert attorney or an appropriate agency, or assistance in locating shelter, housing, or other needed social services. Ongoing assistance will primarily be helping with applications for SSI disability benefits, the legal advocate will maintain a full case load of SSI claimants. This work entails developing medical evidence, advocating with Federal and State agencies regarding the clients’ cases, and communicating with medical providers and case managers.

The administrative duties might include assisting with the preparation of training materials, registering volunteers for trainings, compiling community resources, and other office projects as they arise.  The intern may also act as a representative of HAP to community groups or at meetings, providing an opportunity for community involvement and policy work.

Skills required:  The Intake and Referral Assistant must possess strong oral and written communication skills and should have an interest in law or social work, particularly related to low-income and disabled persons.   He or she should be independent and assertive, willing to learn, and willing to work cooperatively with office staff.  Many HAP clients have serious mental disabilities or substance abuse problems, and the intern must have the patience and sensitivity to work with sometimes difficult and frustrated people.  No prior legal experience is necessary. (A law graduate would, of course, be welcome.  The job description for an attorney would include more advanced advocacy work and actual legal representation of clients in some circumstances.)  Computer literacy is required.  Conversational ability in Spanish is of great benefit, but is not required, and conversational ability in Vietnamese, Chinese, Russian, American Sign Language, or other dialects would also be helpful.

Population:  As the job description indicates, the intern will provide direct service to indigent and homeless clients.  He or she will interview clients, negotiate on their behalf, prepare documents for them, and engage in client advocacy.  The volunteer will also undertake some administrative tasks to help the HAP office function effectively, and may participate in some community or policy work. 75% direct service; 25% administrative duties, including community meetings.  

Hours:  Generally a 35-hour work week, excluding lunch.  The intern will work a four-day week (with Monday as the “flex-day”) and approximately 8:30 to 5:45 during the four work days.  Occasional evening or weekend assistance may be requested, but the work week will never exceed 35 hours.

The intern will be trained and supervised jointly by Senior Supervising Attorney Katie Danielson.    

We provide extensive training on working with homeless persons and related psychosocial issues, and on the relevant substantive areas of the law (including public benefits, landlord/tenant law).  Additional training for the volunteer is provided as needed throughout the year.

Within a week of arrival at the HAP office, the intern will begin undertaking some of the job responsibilities.  Concurrently, they will be viewing and reading training materials, and sitting in with HAP staff.   Within a month, we usually expect the volunteer to be assuming full job responsibilities, with an understanding that he or she may need support and supervision as s/he develops knowledge and experience.

The intern is immersed in and educated about the lives of the clients through hands-on service as well as by establishing relationships with clients over a long duration.  During an intake interview, the volunteer takes a comprehensive look at the client’s current situation, including the legal, social and relational aspects of their lives.  As indicated above, assistance is provided in a holistic, complete manner – volunteers are not limited to assessing only the legal needs of each client.

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