Founded in 1981, we are a non-profit organization committed to revitalizing San Francisco's urban forest, building community, and taking a local leadership role in mitigating global environmental problems through the simple act of planting and caring for trees and sidewalk gardens.
OUR MISSION: Friends of the Urban Forest connects people with nature and each other by planting and caring for San Francisco's trees and gardens.
OUR VISION: A climate-resilient city where all people, trees and plants thrive.
— Environmental Justice
We ground our work in movements for justice, recognizing and addressing environmental harm caused by racism.
— Community
We work in partnership with the communities we serve to grow trees and gardens.
— Stewardship
We are multigenerational stewards of the land we occupy, working to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis.
— Trust
We instill trust by being accountable and transparent about our work to ourselves and others.
— Joy
We celebrate the life-affirming power of trees and plants.