Photographs by Lynda Hollinger-Janzen
Friday, May 5, 2017

On Apr. 21-22, women gathered at the Mennonite offices in Elkhart, Indiana, for the first African-American Sister Care seminar. A contextualization success, Cyneatha Millsaps and Hyacinth Stevens designed the experience for the reality of African-American women today.

Sister Care is a ministry of Mennonite Women USA. The Elkhart seminar was made possible through a grant from The Schowalter Foundation and partnership with African American Mennonite Association and Mennonite Mission Network. 

"This event allowed the women to be in touch with themselves," said Ann Jacobs, Mission Network's Church Relations liaison to African-American congregations and a key organizer of the seminar. "Many participants expressed interest in deepening the connections made during the weekend, and desired to offer similar opportunities for the women within their own ministries."





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