Cost: $900
You will learn about the struggle for dignity and humanity from museums, significant places and powerful memorials.
You will also hear first-hand reflections from people who participated in the civil rights movement as well as learn from others who help unpack the significance of the civil rights movement, the lessons we need to learn from it, and the way in which this is an ongoing struggle for justice and equality that this history both tells and invites us to participate in.
Your pilgrimage might begin in Tennessee or Georgia with visits to places like the National Center for Human and Civil Rights. Then travel to Alabama and Mississippi for fellowship and prayer with Mission Network partners, guided walking tours and museums.
Civil Rights tour frequently asked questions
Sample itinerary—U.S. Civil Rights Pilgrimage
Human and Civil Rights walking tour of Atlanta
Afternoon: Travel to Montgomery
Evening: Check-in and debrief
National Memorial for Peace and Justice
Legacy Museum in Montgomery
Evening: Check-in and debrief
Tour of Montgomery and Selma
Tour of Philadelphia, MS, story of Freedom Summer murders
Dancing Rabbit Treaty Site
Meal and contacts at Nanih Waiya Mennonite Church
Lodging at Pine Lake Camp
Worship with Open Door Mennonite Church in Jackson
Conversation with folks from Open Door
Evening check-in and ending celebration
For more information regarding Just Peace Pilgrimages, please fill out the contact form below, including any comments.