What is the Civil Rights Just Peace Pilgrimage?

This is a seven- to eight-day storytelling and listening tour of historically significant sites of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s, including speakers who share their own experiences. This Mennonite Mission Network tour supports our commitment to anti-racism work and exploring how our faith calls us to stand against injustice.

Where does this tour visit?

This pilgrimage can include Atlanta, Georgia; Birmingham, Montgomery and Selma, Alabama; Meridian and Jackson, Mississippi and Memphis, Tennessee. It is not possible to include all of these stops in a seven- to eight-day tour so an itinerary will be developed in consultation with participants and hosting partners in the south.

In addition, we will visit several Mission Network partners such as Open Door Mennonite Fellowship in Jackson, Mississippi. This is a great opportunity to build relationships with people who have lived in the south for many years and are willing to share their firsthand experiences.

As much as possible, we will frequent Black or minority owned restaurants and other businesses.

What size are the groups and how do I register?

The maximum group size is 12. Additionally, you will be accompanied by one or two Mission Network facilitators. While the groups initially form informally, you will fill out a short registration form. Because we run multiple trips per year, this form ensures we get the right people in the right group!

What is the cost of the tour and what does it cover?

Cost is $950 per person and covers transportation, lodging (double occupancy), some meals, museums and speakers. Participants are responsible for travel from home to the first location and home from the last location.

Are children welcome?

There are no age limits, but consider whether the content of the trip will be age appropriate for young children, and whether museums and speakers will be engaging for those younger than middle school age. Anyone under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.

How physically demanding is the tour?

The tour includes several hours of walking and standing. Depending on the time of the year, it can be quite hot and humid in the south and staying hydrated is important.

How should I prepare to participate in this pilgrimage?

Your Mission Network facilitator will initiate a time to meet with your group before the trip to answer questions, review the itinerary, address any concerns. We will provide your group with orientation materials including resources before the trip, and a detailed schedule and journal materials for use during and after the trip.

During the tour, we have daily check-ins — a time to reflect on your experiences and learning. From our shared experience we gain new insights, and collectively, we are enriched by each other's perspectives.

What should I bring?

  • Comfortable shoes or sandals.

  • Clothes appropriate for public venues like museums, churches and walking outdoors.

  • Sunglasses, sunscreen, hat.

  • A light rain jacket, poncho, or umbrella. A journal for notes and reflecting on the experience.

Who do I contact if I have more questions/concerns?

For all questions related to the tour, contact Stephanie Weaver.



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