Mission Network staff
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Every organization has a purpose, an answer to the deceptively simple question, "Why?" At Mennonite Mission Network, the answer to that question is: to lead, mobilize and equip the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ — across the street, all through the marketplaces and around the world.

In this Q&A series, Mission Network asks staff members to think about the role they play in the agency and how they see their daily work joining into what God is doing around the world.

Kayci Detweiler is executive assistant to the executive director and has been a member of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team since its inception in 2022.



What brought you to your role with Mennonite Mission Network?

I came to Mission Network feeling a little lost. I had been jumping around between different jobs, trying to figure out what I was called to do and never quite feeling like I found the right fit. I knew several people that worked for the agency at the time, and they encouraged me to apply for an open position in the Marketing and Communications department. I grew up in the Mennonite church and knew that I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself, so I decided to give it a go. After five years, I’m still here!

What is your favorite part of your role with Mission Network?

I am new to my current role, but I’ve really enjoyed working more with the board of directors. Learning about why they are excited to be a part of the work we do, on a volunteer basis, makes me more excited about being at the agency.

I also appreciate working with my colleagues, in whatever capacity within the agency. The people here are a joy to work with! I enjoy planning events, communications, or meetings where we all can get together and appreciate that we take the time to even do such things. Relationships are a deep part of our work externally, so it makes sense that building relationships is incredibly important to our internal work together as well.

How has your perspective on Mission Network changed over your time with the agency?

I have learned so much in my time working here about the importance of justice and the work of undoing racism. I came into the agency knowing very little about systemic change, but with an open heart to learn. I understand more now about the painful history of “mission” work and why it’s important that we partner with people based on invitation, instead of going places and assuming that we alone know best. Learning about all the ways that people have gotten it wrong over the years, makes me more appreciative of the way we work within a global context at Mission Network. I am happy to be a part of the conversations around what justice or decolonization looks like, because those conversations will change the world someday, if we continue to show up for them.

How do you view your role with Mission Network fitting into God's mission for the church?

In my time at Mission Network, I’ve moved through a few different administrative jobs. I often view my role as “behind the scenes” and not as important as the people who are out in front. However, I know that those people couldn’t do what they do without my skills supporting them from the background, and so I am happy to do it. When I moved into the executive assistant position earlier this year, it was out of a desire to take part in big picture conversations within the agency. God is doing exciting things through Mission Network, and I want to be a part of that!

What is something that has surprised you about your role with Mission Network?

I’m honestly always surprised at the value that is placed on us (employees) as humans, and not just as worker bees. I appreciate that I’m encouraged to take care of myself, wholistically. That is rare for an employer in today’s hustle culture! I don’t take it for granted.

I also am continually surprised by the breadth of work that we partner in globally. It reminds me of all that God is doing, both in our local and international communities.

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