Sometimes, everyday mission doesn’t quite look like traditional missions of preaching, teaching, and church planting, or medical care.
Our family returned to Senegal in September from a three-month North American Mission, where we visited churches and family. We now have an adult child living with us, our daughter, Amanda. Between now and June 2015, she plans to take online courses from a U.S. college and start her own massage therapy business (her major) right in our home.
With our kids away at boarding school for the past four years, stuff in storage has slowly taken over empty spaces in the house. In order to encourage and assist Amanda in being a success at her business, Paula, Amanda and I needed to clean and re-arrange much of our home.
Amanda now has a redecorated and redesigned room that will serve as a massage therapy area for her female-only clients. This service is something we are sharing with our colleagues. We hope it will be a model of the type of mission we desire to see in the lives of others.
If the mission in the home is running well, all of us will find our place in peace (reference Exodus 18:23 ESV). Amanda will soon be equipped to begin her mission/vocation as we continue our mission here among our family and as a partner with Mission Inter Senegal.
What does your everyday mission look like?