“Test”-imony for Christ | Part 1

Work in Progress
​Lefuarn Harvey

Ann Jacobs is a Church Relations associate with Mennonite Mission Network and one of three leaders of Work in Progress choir. In her role, she furthers relationships with African American Mennonite congregations. She helps congregations become more informed of resources, services, and agency partnerships in support of the congregation’s vision for mission.

This is the first article in a three-part series, Nothn2Hard4God.

As I visit circles of Mennonites through my Church Relations role with Mennonite Mission Network, I ask, “Are you a church-goer or a committed believer of the faith?” What we are committed to, shapes us. The other question is, “Are you true to a system or your Christian faith?” As a follower of Christ, these are serious questions we should ask ourselves. In other words, we should take time to reflect on our faith walk. When life trials come, you better believe the question about our faith helps us discover really important truths about what we believe. The testing of our faith deepens our belief. When the trial is conquered, the results can become a “test”-imony for Christ.

The way we encounter Jesus in our lives can potentially be a witness to others as we share our stories with each other. When I was a little girl, I remember feeling bored. I imagined more in life. I remember hearing stories of discrimination that my parents experienced growing up in Mississippi and Missouri. These stories could have caused me to be fearful; however, my parents were wonderful providers of eight children, and because they showed us love through their parenting, we felt secure by the love they demonstrated, and we were encouraged to be the best we could be in life.

Looking back, I say it was God who gave me a thirst that only could be fulfilled by God’s peace, or shalom. In my search for more, I found Jesus: the deepest fulfillment I ever had. I soon learned that when I trusted God, especially in the hard times, I was filled with peace. God’s peace makes hard times a little easier. There are many people who are searching, but haven’t experienced the peace of Christ. Have there been opportunities for you to witness God’s presence in your life? Testify for Christ. Nothn2Hard4God! Your story could be the testimony that offers a breakthrough for others to experience the Christ that’s in you. Testify to others.