Top 5 memories from Johnstown

​The Johnstown Service Adventure unit—Back row: Evan Finger

The Johnstown Service Adventure unit—Back row: Evan Finger

In Service Adventure, participants form their faith and grow in servant leadership while living in community. Below, the Johnstown unit describes their top memories from the past year. 

  1. Our awesome old unit house!  It has lots of space, it’s in a great location in town, plus an old house provides many opportunities to learn about house maintenance!
  2. The "superheros" in the local supporting churches; people who help when the car brakes give out, or when the car gets towed, or when we have leaky sinks, helping when the heat stops working in the house and it is 38 degrees in the house and also when they share their testimonies with us!
  3. Our favorite worship night this year was a prayer walk through our neighborhood, a struggling neighborhood where we almost always feel safe. 
  4. Our winter camping trip in a small rustic cabin; it was a chilly night, but a unique time of group bonding. 
  5. The opportunities to travel to many state/national parks and cities throughout the year.