Why take a break?

​Heath Goertzen is a Radical Journey participant serving in Southeast Asia. He works with children at a preschool run by a local Mennonite church, and helps with graphic design and website management. Heath is from Newton, Kansas, and attends Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church. The original blog post can be found here.

In my freshman year, when my brother decided to take a gap year, I was quite unsure about the idea. Why would anyone decide to interrupt the normal flow of education to do something else for a year?

​I suppose that’s probably why I’m writing this: to explain my reasoning in deciding to take a break from structured education. It’s a big task: A decision like this one usually isn’t a simple one to make.

When I asked my brother about his reasoning, he simply said, “If I’m going to have an experience that influences me so much that I want to change my life path, like a year of service, I want to do it before I’m already down a path.” An answer that made sense wasn’t something that I was prepared for. It made me realize that for some people (especially those who aren’t quite sure where they belong) a gap year could be a very positive experience.

I was still fairly convinced that I would go straight to college, however. I hadn’t given the issue that much thought, and even though I didn’t have a life plan, I was sure I would gain certainty of my path and calling as I grew older.

As I moved into junior and senior years of high school, I found myself in a state of indecision. Simply put, when people say, “You can be anything you want!”, I would’ve said, “What if I want to be everything?!” I couldn’t narrow down what I wanted to do. STEM, graphic design, English, history, farming, and social sciences were all options I had considered, and all seemed like fields I could see myself pursuing.

One day, as I was out driving the tractor for my father (one of the rare activities during which one can think in endless tangents and still get work done), a piece about gap years came up on NPR. It spoke very highly of the idea of a gap year, and said that students who take a gap year usually enter college more focused, more sure of themselves, more prepared, and more motivated than before. At the time, I was feeling motivated, but definitely not sure of myself or prepared, so the idea appealed to me.

As my junior year continued, I still found myself facing a swirling mass of indecision. I knew that many colleges allow for exploration of major programs, but I wanted to get to know myself better, as well as have some time to gain perspective on all of my interests, and perhaps have a chance to categorize and prioritize them.

Realizing that a gap year might be a good way to do this, I asked a few people how their experience with gap years had been. I knew my brother’s experience had been positive, but wanted more information. I only heard positive feedback. In fact, most of these people ended the conversation with, “If you’re even thinking about taking a gap year to do service, do it.”

Needless to say, I was convinced. Choosing a program was very easy. I wanted to serve. My family has a long tradition of service, and I believe thoroughly that world citizenship and cross-cultural learning are extremely important, so I chose Radical Journey. Our church offers monetary support to those who participate in Mennonite service programs.

Location was slightly more difficult, but I chose Southeast Asia because I wanted to learn a second language, as well as the fact that experiencing the world’s second highest biodiversity rate was impossible to resist.

I plan to touch more on what I’m actually gaining from this experience, but I feel that explaining my motivations would allow some insight into my thought processes, and through that, offer a window of understanding into who I am as a person.