Summer will be here before you know it, and Mennonite camps across the country will be hosting hundreds of children and youth. SOOP is a way to be a part of these formative experiences year-round. From Drift Creek Camp in Oregon to Camp Ithiel in Florida, service opportunities abound, both during camping season and in the off season.

Camps are also great opportunities for families to serve together. Two families explored service at Drift Creek Camp near Lincoln City, Oregon, this year: Adam and Jennifer Cobb and their children from Archbold, Ohio, and the Doug and Jolene VonGunten family from Goshen, Indiana. Serving together as a family is a hands-on way to plant the seeds of service and nurture lifelong values of generosity and mutuality.
WOODCREST RETREAT, a Christian Summer Camp and Retreat in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, seeks a campground host couple for 6 – 12 weeks this summer. (June – Sept.) Variety of duties include cleaning, light maintenance, office duties, camp store, staffing waterslide, etc. Weekend work with flexible mid-week schedule. Housing: Bring your RV, or the camp can provide a camper.