Nigeria Mennonite Church

Nigeria Mennonite Church

A denomination of 45 congregations divided into five dioceses.

Mennonite Church Nigeria grew out of the interest of a number of African Initiated Churches in Southwestern Nigeria who invited Mennonite Board of Missions to send missionaries to work in the region in the 1950s. The church is composed of 45 congregations divided into five dioceses in the Akwa Ibom State. There is also a recent church plant in the Nigerian capital of Abuja.

After initial contact by missionaries from Ghana, MBM sent long-term workers to partner with the church in 1959. Since then there have been collaborative ministry activity in the areas of education, agriculture, and biblical and theological training. Currently Mennonite Mission Network is participating in an initiative to develop a Mennonite Bible College for the training of MCN leaders.

Connected Mission Workers

No mission workers currently serving with this partner.
Matthew and Toni Krabill

Matthew and Toni Krabill

Matthew and Toni serve in Accra, Ghana supporting theological institutions throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Matthew serves with The Sanneh Institute (TSI) in its mission to support

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