Episode 23: Columbus Mennonite Church and the Journey of Sanctuary

Joel Miller and Austin Junhke come to the PeaceLab to discuss how Columbus Mennonite Church became a place of sanctuary and hope for a community member targeted by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
Episode 15: Isaac Villegas on mass incarceration, prison ministry

Jason and Hannah sit down with Isaac Villegas, Pastor of Chapel HIll (North Carolina) Mennonite Fellowship, to talk about mass incarceration, prison ministry, the upcoming Mennonite Church USA Future Church Summit, church unity and more.
Episode 14: Immigration justice with Tammy Alexander and Saulo Padilla

Tammy Alexander, senior legislative associate for the Mennonite Central Committee Washington D.C. office, and Saulo Padilla, immigration education coordinator for Mennonite Central Committee U.S., join Hannah and Jason to talk about immigration legislation, the current situation in the United States and ways churches and individuals are getting involved in education and advocacy.
Moldeados por el servicio

Daniel Morales* tenía 5 años cuando sus padres lo abandonaron y sobrevivió viviendo en la calle. Aun a esa edad tan temprana, las pandillas intentaron intimidarlo para que se les uniera. De adolescente, Daniel escapó de aquella presión y viajó por México sobre trenes hasta llegar a Estados Unidos, en un viaje que muchos consideran […]
Shaped by service

Daniel Morales* was 5 years old when he was abandoned by his parents, and he survived living on the streets. Even at that young age, gangs tried to intimidate him to join. As a teen, Daniel escaped the pressure, and traveled on top of trains through Mexico to the United States—a journey many deem as […]
Extending hospitality to refugees

The Bible is an account of God’s project in history. Embedded in the text are human sagas filled with despair, courage, desperation, fear, failure and frailty. In and through it all, the divine intent is to uncover the true nature of God and to give us a glimpse of the purposes of God. The overarching […]
Finding refuge

Mission done best by invitation By Sara Alvarez During these first months on the job, I’ve appreciated Mennonite Mission Network’s emphasis on partnership. We don’t presume to understand another’s culture, and we don’t assume we’ll do better than local organizations. Instead, we wait for churches or organizations to ask us to join them. They come […]
Are you on the welcoming committee?

Radical inclusion? But Mama said, ‘Don’t talk to strangers.’ By Andrew Clouse One of the pieces of advice I took to heart as a youngster was, “Don’t talk to strangers.” In my adolescent mind, this refrain was lumped together in a soup of fear that put strangers into the same category as all of the […]
Immigration and the Bible

For most people, including many members of the Christian community, foundational understandings of immigration come from the news, their neighbors’ opinions, from national security needs, or the country’s legal framework. M. Daniel Carroll R. firmly believes that God’s people can and must do better than this. “Christians should respond self-consciously as Christians to immigration,” he […]