Pastors & Leaders Conference

Pastors & Leaders 2025 | Anabaptism at 500: Looking Back, Living Forward

Anabaptist Mennonite Bible Seminary (AMBS) will hold “Pastors & Leaders 2025 | Anabaptism at 500: Looking Back, Living Forward” Monday to Thursday, February 17 – 20, 2025 on the AMBS campus. Although in-person registration has reached capacity, Registration for the livestream of the event is open. Mennonite Mission Network staff will hold workshops on Wednesday, […]

Sister Care Brazil is building a network of healing

Anabaptist Women Doing Theology from Latin America

“Healed women promote healing.”  This was the message of empowerment at the Sister Care training held in Curitiba, Brazil, in 2015. A decade later, five dedicated women from the Brasília region of the Aliança Evangélica Menonita (AEM, Evangelical Mennonite Alliance), Elizangela Fernandes, Deusilene Milhomem, Marlene Milhomem, Rebeca Milhomem and Rosalina Vasco, are living proof of […]

Finding purpose through service

Service opens a path to purpose     By Jane Morrow “… Not looking to your own interests but each of you [looking] to the interests of the others.” — Philippians 2:4 (NIV) Service — whether through volunteering, community initiatives or spontaneous acts of kindness — serves as a transformative force in society and individual […]

Live seminar: What is your sermon doing?

Allan Rudy-Froese

What is your sermon doing?  A preaching refresher   This webinar was held in October 2024. You can view the recording above. Allan Rudy-Froese, PhD, a Linklater voice teacher and Associate Professor of Christian Proclamation at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, weaves vocal exercises and games into his seminary teaching and workshops for preachers, worship leaders, and storytellers. […]

Shia Muslims pray for Christ to revive humanity

An Advent reflection. When Peter Sensenig went to Iran to speak at a conference, he saw an Arabic wall-hanging with a prayer addressed to Jesus in his host’s home. Shia Muslims look for the return of Christ to restore justice to the earth. Sensenig states that in Advent, Christians, too, are waiting for the coming of Christ. What kind of king are we looking for?

When Peter Sensenig went to Iran to speak at a conference, he saw an Arabic wall-hanging with a prayer addressed to Jesus in his host’s home. Shia Muslims look for the return of Christ to restore justice to the earth. Sensenig states that in Advent, Christians, too, are waiting for the coming of Christ. What […]

To everyone

To everyone

1 The heavens are telling the glory of God,    and the firmament[a] proclaims his handiwork.2 Day to day pours forth speech,    and night to night declares knowledge.3 There is no speech, nor are there words;    their voice is not heard;4 yet their voice[b] goes out through all the earth    and their words to the end of the world. In the heavens[c] he has set a […]

Say, “Bonjour!” to Joseph and Rachel

Find out what a “typical” day looks like for Joseph and Rachel Givens, the facilitators for the Maria Skobtsova House in Calais, France. Together with their family, the Givens welcome people who are on the move through Europe and seeking refuge en route to England. The Skobtsova house offers temporary shelter and meals.  “[Our job is] […]

Episode 4: Mutual (A vision for the church in mission)

The church in Antioch practiced a spirit of mutuality. In Antioch, Barnabas set an example for the church, by sharing leadership. Instead of working alone, Barnabas brought Saul from Tarsus to Antioch to help instruct the growing number of believers in the way of the Lord.