Sent Network sessions

Sent Network is a resourcing curriculum launched to recruit, equip and prepare church planters for their task. 

The Sent Network is set up in three phases—explore, equip, and send.

​1. Explore

​1.1 The Calling

Goal: To explore your own call to plant a church or be part of a church-planting initiative. This call will be discerned in the context of a community of believers who share the theological convictions of the Anabaptist tradition.

​1.2 The Emotional Profile of the Church Planter

Goal: To assess your emotional, spiritual and relational health and support. Being fit in all these areas is essential to face the challenges of planting a church.

​1.3 Leadership- APEST

Goal: To explore how you function in leadership, inspired by Ephesians 4. And to learn how your leadership invites the Body of Christ to see and reactivate Christ’s unique ministry.

​1.4 Anabaptist Identity

Goal: Explore the key traits of your theological identity.

​2. Equip

​2.1 Biblical Foundations of Mission

Goal: To gain understanding of the unity of God’s mission in its universal scope through the story of Israel, Jesus Christ, and the Church.

​2.2 Bi-Vocational Ministry

Goal: Explore bi-vocational ministry for church planters.

​2.3 Missional Discipleship

Goal: To explore missional discipleship.

​2.4 Missional Context Identity

Goal: Learning the basic tools for a deeper understanding of your missional context.

​3. Send

​3.1 Forming a Support Network

Goal: To create a ministry support team (MST).

​3.2 Re-Planting

Goal: Consider the cost; appreciate the past; tell the story.

​3.3 Writing a Church Planting Proposal

Goal: To develop an effective proposal for a new church plant.

​3.4 The Launching Plan

Goal: Develop your launching plan.

Some of the content will be available in a virtual manner to groups of interested people. Other components will be more conducive to gathering people together for a weekend learning retreat.
Mennonite Mission Network is ready to walk along with churches, planters and others in growing visions of new churches within the U.S.

It is our desire to encourage individuals to act as missional Anabaptist church planters and leaders, prepared to engage in discipleship in such a way that it will be natural for leaders to be raised up and spawn new dynamic peace churches. As we move into implementing these resources, we anticipate the subject matter may change and become more refined.

We want to share our passion, experience and wisdom, and to learn with others as we walk together, responding to God’s call. In our efforts, we hope to encourage the heart of conference ministers, pastors and lay leaders as we network throughout the denomination, inspiring a shared vision for creating Anabaptist communities of faith across the street and around the world.

Sent Network presentation
PowerPoint version
PDF version

To learn more or for any questions contact Mauricio Chenlo

Connected workers


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