Friday, April 22, 2016
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
People in many parts of the world have become disillusioned with
institutional, politically-compromised forms of Christianity. And as
this occurs, there is increased interest in learning more about
Anabaptism and other Free Church traditions that have called for a
radical return to New Testament faith.
In this booklet, Palmer Becker, a lifelong Mennonite pastor and
educator, attempts to summarize Anabaptist understandings in three key
statements: (1) Jesus is the center of our faith; (2) community is the
center of our lives; and (3) reconciliation is the center of our work.
By contrasting these affirmations with divergent views held within
the broader Christian family, Becker challenges readers to take a new
look at Jesus, to engage more fully in building the body of Christ, and
to embrace more passionately the reconcilling work of God in the world.
¿Qué es un cristiano anabautista?
Hay gente in muchas partes del mundo que se ha desilusionado con
formas de cristianism o institucionales o comprometidas políticamente.
Por otra parte, hay un interés creciente en aprender más sobre el
anabautismo y otras tradiciones de la Iglesia Libre que han llamado a un
regreso radical a la fe del Nuevo Testamento.
En este pequeño libro, Palmer Becker, que toda su vida fue pastor
menonita y educador, hace el intento de resumer las convicciones
anabautistas en tres declaraciones fundamentales: (1) Jesús es el centro de nuestra fe; (2) la comunidad es el centro de nuestras vidas; y (3) la reconciliación es el centro de nuestra tarea.
Contrastando estas afirmaciones con visiones divergentes existentes en la familia cristiana más amplia, Becker desafía a los lectores a darle una nueva mirada a Jesús, a comprometerse más plenamente en la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo y a dedicarse más apasionadamente a la tarea reconciliadora de Dios en el mundo.
Don't linger here!
Go ahead and submit your answer through David Fast's contact page.
You got this!
What is an Anabaptist Christian?
Palmer Becker, a lifelong Mennonite pastor and educator, summarizes Anabaptist understandings in three key statements: (1) Jesus is the center of our faith; (2) community is the center of our lives; and (3) reconciliation is the center of our work.
By Palmer Becker
Volume 18
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