1. We get up because we have to in order to see each other. Yes, this sounds like a given. For us, it is intentionally calculated because our schedules are often opposite. Kelly works as a labor and delivery nurse on the night shift and is generally sleeping while I (Eric) work during the day as a pastor. I mean, I guess we did get married so that we could see each other more regularly.
2. Because God created each day new and we want to experience it. Why do people get up to watch the sunrise day after day? Because their eyes get the chance to witness a new beauty each time. Even though we like adventures, we are also thankful for the regular days that give us a chance to explore the world before us.
3. The possibility that we could make an impact on someone’s life. It probably doesn’t happen every day, but on the off chance that our actions or words make a positive change for someone – it’s worth getting up for.
4. We work with some pretty cool people. Some days our work is life-giving, and some days it feels like we are just fulfilling the task, but in all circumstances, we work with people who we’ve created strong bonds with – whether on the labor and delivery floor, or in the church youth room. That, in itself, is something to be thankful for.
5. Good friends. It’s encouraging and renewing to be affirmed in who we are by people who love us. We are energized by these relationships and are glad that we have so many good ones that help us get out of bed in the morning.