Denominational minister for church planting ordained

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Mauricio Chenlo
Denominational minister for church planting

Mauricio Chenlo was ordained at his home congregation, Raleigh (N.C.) Mennonite Church, Jan. 16, 2011, for his role as denominational minister for church planting.  Chenlo resources, coaches and networks church planters and new church initiatives in Mennonite Church USA as shared staff between Executive Board and Mennonite Mission Network. 

Madeline Maldonado, a Mennonite Mission Network board member, brought greetings on behalf of Ervin Stutzman, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, and André Gingerich Stoner, director of Holistic Witness.  “We are thankful for [Mauricio’s] gifts of insight, vision, imagination, patience and persistence, for his pastoral care and attention, and for his abiding commitment to seeking God’s reign of shalom,” she said. “His calling to help plant and nurture faith communities that are rooted and grounded in the love of Christ is a high calling and a vital service to the church and to God’s kingdom.”