Former president of Mennonite Church of Congo dies


ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Mission Network) – Robert Sakayimbo Cibulenu, president of Communauté Mennonite au Congo (Mennonite Church of Congo) from 1987-1995, died Nov. 1. Cibulenu was around 80 years old; the date of his birth is uncertain.

“Pastor Cibulenu was an appreciated advisor and confidant of current church President Komuesa, and was not afraid to ask hard questions,” said Rod Hollinger-Janzen, executive coordinator of Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission. 

Born in a rural Chokwe village in the territory of Kahemba, Cibulenu received his elementary education from North American Mennonite missionaries at Kamayala. Recognizing Cibulenu’s intelligence and eagerness to learn, he was sent to Nyanga for his secondary schooling, and then on to study theology in Congo’s capital city at what is today’s Université Chrétienne de Kinshasa (Christian University of Kinshasa).

After his studies, Cibulenu returned to Kamayala and moved into church leadership. However, it soon became apparent that he had a devastating addiction to alcohol that made it impossible for him to fulfill his responsibilities. Church officials made arrangements to care for Cibulenu’s wife, Constantine, and their children in Kamayala. Then, they sent Cibulenu back to Kinshasa to be mentored by a Chokwe pastor.

“Finally, admitting the steady unraveling of his life and the progressive loss of everything and everyone dear to him, [Cibulenu] turned to God in desperation, penitence and prayer. He later would describe this as a dramatic encounter with Christ the Lord,” wrote Jim Bertsche in CIM/AIMM: A Story of Vision, Commitment and Grace.

Facing his own brokenness and overcoming his addiction added a humble and compassionate spirit to Cibulenu’s wisdom.

“In the end, this made him an even more effective church leader,” Hollinger-Janzen said. “Cibulenu was elected president of Mennonite Church of Congo and through patient diplomacy and creative thinking worked to reconcile ethnic rivalries and other divisions within the denomination."Cibulenu was also a farmer-entrepreneur who believed that small businesses could benefit both Mennonite families and help the church in Congo to move toward greater self-reliance.

During the celebration of Mennonite Church of Congo’s centennial anniversary last year, Cibulenu made his last great contribution to his beloved church. Despite his failing health, he helped to research and write the French version of biographies of Congolese Mennonites, 100 Ans de Mission Mennonite en République Démocratique du Congo (100 years of Mennonite Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo). The English title is The Jesus Tribe.

Mennonite Mission Network partners with Mennonite Church of Congo through the Partnership Council that includes the three Mennonite denominations in Congo, Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, and Mennonite Church Canada.


For immediate release

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