#GivingTuesday: Innovating the future of mission

​The Jackson

​The Jackson

Zachary Headings

​Zachary Headings is a marketing associate for Mennonite Mission Network.

#GivingTuesday is happening Dec. 1. During this season of thanksgiving and generosity, Mennonite Mission Network is asking for your support to help us respond to the present and prepare for the future. The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the pace of change within our organization and partner organizations. Over the last eight months, we’ve adapted swiftly to operating digitally, while maintaining mission activity. Your partnership enables us to continue innovation in our engagement with God’s mission in the world.

We thank you for taking the time to read and listen, as we have shared stories of mission throughout the year. It is deeply encouraging to witness God’s grace at work in the resilience and adaptability of our programs and partners. This eye-opening season of challenge and change is presenting us with compelling opportunities to be the presence of Christ in contexts of distress. Mission Network is committed to developing future-driven mission work that brings healing and hope to communities and cultures, near and far.

The pandemic has disrupted our travel but not our mission. We have 69 domestic and international mission workers engaging in vital work across 50 countries. 

Social distancing has interrupted our in-person meetings but not our training programs. Currently, 121 people, in seven countries, are joining in virtual groups to learn how to be better disciples of Jesus, with our Missional Discipleship Initiative. These 121 people are facilitating hundreds more in virtual discipleship groups around the world.

In these unsettling times, many people are stepping forward to make a difference. We have over 150 participants meeting current challenges, through placements in Service Adventure, Mennonite Voluntary Service, Youth Venture, and SOOP (Service Opportunities with our Partners).

These are encouraging examples of how our programs and partnerships are adapting, and even thriving, during this challenging time. They may function a bit differently, with virtual workshops and Zoom meetings. But at their core, they remain shining beacons of God’s work.

As we leverage technological advances, we continue in our commitment to proclaim God’s love for people and all creation. We are incredibly grateful to you, our donors, for partnering with us to fulfil this commitment. Your support gives us the chance to innovate the future of mission. We are able to adapt to this pandemic because of you.

This Giving Tuesday, we give thanks to God for you.

Through our partnerships, we strive to be a positive force in society — where all people are treated equally, reflecting the kingdom of God on earth.

Your support on Giving Tuesday mobilizes Mission Network to continue faithfully partnering in God’s mission in the world and innovating the future of mission. Please join in giving this Dec. 1. Visit MennoniteMission.net/Donate. Thank you!