Hallmark to feature Mennonite Media films

Burton Buller interviews George McGovern
Burton Buller interviews George McGovern
HARRISONBURG, Va. (Mennonite Media) — Hallmark Channel, now available in 84 million homes, will air Mennonite Media documentaries the first four Sundays in August.
The documentaries tackle the topics of addictions, hunger, forgiveness and aging on the following schedule:
“This is unprecedented for us,” said Burton Buller, director of Mennonite Media, of the scheduling during the World of Faith & Values timeblock from 7-8 a.m. ET/PT and 6-7 a.m. CT. “It’s early morning but not a bad time for Sunday because no one has to miss church to view them and the programs don’t have to compete with pre-season football,” he noted.
Three of the programs feature one or more Mennonite families or spokespersons and offer faith perspectives on the topic, without specifically promoting any one religion or group. Each of the programs except Hunger No More has its own Web site; links to the sites can be found at www.mennomedia.org .
Mennonite Media has been connected to Faith & Values Media since its inception when the National Interfaith Cable Coalition launched a faith-related channel in 1988. Eventually the channel became Hallmark Channel.
Mennonite Media is a department of Mennonite Mission Network.