ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Mission Network) – Ever envision discovering your life’s purpose while in South America or Asia? How about being on a mission that is a little closer to home, like in the Caribbean or another state?
Mennonite Mission Network service programs, Journey International and SOOP, are offering service opportunities in two new locations each for 2016-2017. Journey International, a young adult service opportunity, has added assignments in Ecuador and the Philippines. SOOP, which attracts retirees and adults 25 years and older including with children, has additional assignments in Puerto Rico and Baltimore.
In Ecuador, Journey International participants will serve at Mennonite churches in Quito, Calderon and the neighborhood of Jardines del Inca, focusing on ministries for children and for refugees. In Manilla, Philippines participants will serve at Peace Church Philippines that focuses on peacebuilding and faith-based social service activities.
In both of the additional Journey International locations, where participants serve for one year, young adults will be mentored by older Mennonite mission workers who have already been on assignments for more than a year, said Sharon Norton, the program’s director. In this way, participants will benefit from the relationships, cultural knowledge, and experiences of their mentors.
To identify locations, Norton said she reaches out to mission workers and agency partners, such as Mennonite Church Canada Witness, to see where there is a good fit for the participants.
“The things we really look for is that they have a heart for youth and that they have the type of programs and projects that youth could be involved in,” Norton said.

SOOP participants also typically serve between 2-6 weeks. This will be SOOP’s first assignment in Puerto Rico. Participants will serve at Academia Menonita Betania, a bilingual Christian school near the city of Aibonito. The school is a member of Mennonite Education Agency. Participants can serve as teachers’ aides, and as office, maintenance, kitchen or construction workers. Participants can also serve at Betania Mennonite Church (on the school’s grounds) and with the Puerto Rico Mennonite Conference.
“I am just beginning to learn of the long history of Mennonite presence in Puerto Rico, and it’s a joy for SOOP to reconnect with this vibrant community living out their faith in an educational setting,” said Arloa Bontrager, SOOP’s Director. “I’m excited they’ve invited us to partner with them!”
In Baltimore, Reservoir Hill House of Peace and Asylum Seekers Housing Network are eager for SOOP volunteers. Both are ministries of North Baltimore Mennonite Church. Reservoir Hill provides housing for young adults who work for or volunteer with Baltimore organizations committed to positive change. The asylum network provides lodging and social services for new immigrants.
Journey International has three active locations, including recruiting again for assignments in Indonesia for 2016-2017. The team there will work with Mennonite churches in Java Provence, mostly with children, music ministries, digital media and teaching English.
SOOP has 72 active locations.
For more information on service opportunities visit www.mennonitemission.net/serve