Mission Network mourns death of former mission worker

Photo of Al Geiser
Al Geiser

ELKHART, Ind. – Mennonite Mission Network is mourning the death of Al Geiser, a former Mennonite Mission Network worker, who was shot and killed July 23 in Afghanistan.

Geiser, 65, of Kidron, Ohio, was returning from work on a hydroelectric project, according to a statement from the family. A close Afghan friend and business partner named Shukur and another Afghan co-worker were also killed.

Geiser and Gladys, his wife, served with Mission Network in Afghanistan from 2000-2009. In their assignments, Al built small water turbines to bring electricity to rural villages and Gladys taught elementary students in an international school.

Geiser survived a 2008 kidnapping, in which he was held by militants for 56 days. After being safely reunited with his family, he and his wife returned to Afghanistan independently.

Stanley W. Green, Mission Network executive director, offered his sympathies to the family and to members of Kidron Mennonite Church, the Geisers’ longtime home church and devoted financial sponsor.

“We at Mennonite Mission Network are saddened by the death of Al Geiser,” Green said in a statement. “Al was a member of our Mission Network family for many years. We mourn the loss of one committed to sharing God’s love, building peace and serving others. We grieve for the Geiser family and for the family of Al’s friend and business partner, Shukur. May this be a time for family, friends and community to both grieve their loss and celebrate their lives.”  

Following a Christian service, Geiser will be buried in a Christian cemetery in Afghanistan. A memorial service will be held later in Kidron.

For a more complete account of Al Geiser’s life and ministry, see the article at The Mennonite website.