Mission Network service programs kick off new year

ELKHART, Ind.—While students all over the country are headed back to school in late August and early September, a different kind of term is beginning for another group of young people.

This year, 113 youth and young adults are serving through DOOR: Dwell and Mennonite Voluntary Service (each year-long programs) as well as Service Adventure and Radical Journey (10-month programs). The number of participants is lower than in recent years, which has forced the temporary closure of two Service Adventure units and five Mennonite Voluntary Service units.

Mennonite Mission Network is not alone in these challenges. Mission Network is part of a consortium of faith-based programs that has seen a drop in numbers this year. 

Despite the lower numbers, Del Hershberger, Christian Service director, says that he is pleased to be able to link missional churches and communities with young adults who want to serve.

“Our churches and communities are involved in so many different kinds of mission,” Hershberger said. “It’s exciting when young adults want to join congregations in serving, and we’re privileged to be able to be a part of that.”

Shoulder-tapping is one of the primary ways that service programs find their new participants, Hershberger explained.

“So many of our participants come to us because someone—whether it’s a pastor, friend, or parent—suggested they take a look at service,” he said.

Hershberger also said that Mission Network continues to explore additional service initiatives.

“We’re committed to making sure that young people from every part of Mennonite Church USA have the chance to discern and live out their Christian vocation in some way,” he said, “whether that’s in their own communities or in a different part of the country.”


For immediate release.

Mennonite Mission Network, the mission agency of Mennonite Church USA, leads, mobilizes and equips the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ in a broken world. Media may contact Andrew Clouse at andrewc@mmnworld.net, 574-523-3024 or 866-866-2872, ext. 23024.