Mission Sunday tools now available online

ELKHART, Ind.—Mennonite Church USA has designated Nov. 11, 2012, as Mission Sunday across the church. In response, Mennonite Mission Network recently published Mission Sunday resources that will help churches examine their particular call to mission and their unique contribution to God’s kingdom.

The tools, built around the theme, “How Are You Called?” are available for download at the Mission Network website.

“We hope these tools will help churches think about the ways their gifts can shape their mission,” said Sandy Miller, Mission Network’s director of church relations. “We also want congregations to think about how they can join God’s mission around the world.”

The tools contain the lectionary scripture for Nov. 11, along with a sermon starter, children’s story, a bulletin insert and cover, as well as suggested readings and songs from Mennonite Church resources. They also feature stories about two mission workers, Laura Schlabach and Kuaying Teng, who have both found ways to use their gifts for mission work around the world.

Miller says that churches who don’t celebrate Mission Sunday on Nov. 11 are welcome to use the tools any time. She also hopes that churches will make an effort to highlight mission on a designated Sunday during the year.

“As God’s people, we’re called to mission in many forms,” said Miller. “As congregations, it’s important to take time to reflect on and refocus our mission.”

To view or download tools for Mission Sunday, visit www.MennoniteMission.net/MissionSunday.


For immediate release.

Mennonite Mission Network, the mission agency of Mennonite Church USA, leads, mobilizes and equips the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ in a broken world. Media may contact Andrew Clouse at andrewc@mmnworld.net, 574-523-3024 or 866-866-2872, ext. 23024.1