Staff picks- Best stories from 2013

ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Mission Network) – After a year filled with blessings, Mennonite Mission Network is thankful for the support from partners, churches and individuals. As the year closes, we look back at the many stories that illustrate how God furthered our ministries. Staff responded with the articles that most inspired them. These are their top five responses.

  1. Ohio seeds symbolize growth of Mongolian church 

    Beyond Ourselves also featured stories about the Mongolia Partnership.

  2. Enthusiasm abounds for a Mennonite service and learning team that will spend a year in Indonesia.

  3. From apartheid to Zulu: How South Africa shapes the ministry of Stanley Green

    Mennonite Mission Network’s executive director talks about his life’s goal of embracing the humanity of each person he encounters.

    Staff also mentioned other stories about Mandela’s legacy, like Reuben Mgodeli’s reflection on Mandela’s life of peace and forgiveness.

  4. MVS takes participant from limericks to law


    A former Mennonite Voluntary Service participant combines her English/psychology majors with her faith, to practice law.

  5. Mission without conquest


    Willis Gabriel Horst left a legacy of mutual respect and empowerment among indigenous churches of northern Argentina, encouraging them to explore their spirituality and the values of Jesus within their culture.

Notable mentions:

Delivering Living Water in Congo

New Missio Dei explores Afghanistan through the eyes of mission workers

Dedicated to caring for rural India


For immediate release

Mennonite Mission Network, the mission agency of Mennonite Church USA, leads, mobilizes and equips the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ in a broken world. Media may contact