Episode 1: Multiethnic (A vision for the church in mission) | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5125/Episode-1-Multiethnic-A-vision-for-the-church-in-mission | Episode 1: Multiethnic (A vision for the church in mission) | By Joe Sawatzky | | | | | |
Episode 2: Multiplying (A vision for the church in mission) | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5126/Episode-2-Multiplying-A-vision-for-the-church-in-mission | Episode 2: Multiplying (A vision for the church in mission) | By Joe Sawatzky | | | | | |
Episode 3: Maturing (A vision for the church in mission) | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5127/Episode-3-Maturing-A-vision-for-the-church-in-mission | Episode 3: Maturing (A vision for the church in mission) | By Joe Sawatzky | | | | | |
Episode 4: Mutual (A vision for the church in mission) | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5128/Episode-4-Mutual-A-vision-for-the-church-in-mission | Episode 4: Mutual (A vision for the church in mission) | By Joe Sawatzky | | | | | |
Bonus Episode: Spirtual gifts (A vision for the church in mission) | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5129/Bonus episode-Spiritual-gifts-A-vision-for-the-church-in-mission | Bonus Episode: Spirtual gifts (A vision for the church in mission) | By Joe Sawatzky | | | | | |
Honoring Indigenous pathways and challenging the Doctrine of Discovery | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/news/5123/Honoring-Indigenous-pathways | Honoring Indigenous pathways and challenging the Doctrine of Discovery | Mennonite Mission Network staff | | GP0|#2ab17779-1e85-4ea3-bd7e-1348a1fb087a;L0|#02ab17779-1e85-4ea3-bd7e-1348a1fb087a|United States;GTSet|#f1c3ac69-6cd4-4109-8ba8-137477ba8a7d;GPP|#89f1dfe2-8e50-4b9f-b81a-f3f6dcbc35fc;GPP|#62ebb633-b401-4243-a537-1a85230e4ebf | | | |
Building community, building peace | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/extending-beyond/5124/Building-community-building-peace | Building community, building peace | By Joani Miller | | | | | |
Meet Mission Network board member George Thompson! | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/video/5121/Meet-Mission-Network-board-member-George-Thompson | Meet Mission Network board member George Thompson! | Mennonite Mission Network staff | | | | | |
Chadian brothers and sisters are teaching me about God’s relentless love | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/blog/5109/Chadian-brothers-and-sisters-are-teaching-me-about-God’s-relentless-love | Chadian brothers and sisters are teaching me about God’s relentless love | By Christy Harrison | | GP0|#e56a2330-6584-4aad-b22f-427f555751e1;L0|#0e56a2330-6584-4aad-b22f-427f555751e1|Chad;GTSet|#f1c3ac69-6cd4-4109-8ba8-137477ba8a7d;GPP|#4d0e08ea-d1a0-4141-9eba-431183992152;GPP|#62ebb633-b401-4243-a537-1a85230e4ebf | | | |
Eric Frey Martin named director of constituent engagement | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/news/5122/Eric-Frey-Martin-named-director-of-constituent-engagement | Eric Frey Martin named director of constituent engagement | By Mennonite Mission Network staff | | | | | |
Christ at the Borders pilgrimages give perspective on immigration | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/news/5106/Christ-at-the-Borders-pilgrimages-give-perspective-on-immigration | Christ at the Borders pilgrimages give perspective on immigration | By Zachary Headings | | GP0|#2ab17779-1e85-4ea3-bd7e-1348a1fb087a;L0|#02ab17779-1e85-4ea3-bd7e-1348a1fb087a|United States;GTSet|#f1c3ac69-6cd4-4109-8ba8-137477ba8a7d;GPP|#89f1dfe2-8e50-4b9f-b81a-f3f6dcbc35fc;GPP|#62ebb633-b401-4243-a537-1a85230e4ebf | | | |
Here with purpose: Kayci Detweiler | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/blog/5108/Here-with-purpose-Kayci-Detweiler | Here with purpose: Kayci Detweiler | Mission Network staff | | GP0|#2ab17779-1e85-4ea3-bd7e-1348a1fb087a;L0|#02ab17779-1e85-4ea3-bd7e-1348a1fb087a|United States;GTSet|#f1c3ac69-6cd4-4109-8ba8-137477ba8a7d;GPP|#89f1dfe2-8e50-4b9f-b81a-f3f6dcbc35fc;GPP|#62ebb633-b401-4243-a537-1a85230e4ebf | | | |
Peace and reconciliation workshop empowers Ecuador's evangelical leaders | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/news/5102/Peace-and-reconciliation-workshop | Peace and reconciliation workshop empowers Ecuador's evangelical leaders | By Mennonite Mission Network staff | | GP0|#934efcfc-8004-48aa-b785-aff862d28dbd;L0|#0934efcfc-8004-48aa-b785-aff862d28dbd|Ecuador;GTSet|#f1c3ac69-6cd4-4109-8ba8-137477ba8a7d;GPP|#e2a61412-b024-41d7-adeb-1c4e0b790c03;GPP|#62ebb633-b401-4243-a537-1a85230e4ebf | | | |
Make a will: It’s never too early or too late | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/blog/5104/Make-a-will-Its-never-too-early-or-too-late | Make a will: It’s never too early or too late | By Jason Ault | | | | | |
Compassionate care to Laos | | https://www.mennonitemission.net/blog/5101/Compassionate-care-to-Laos | Compassionate care to Laos | By Jonah Yang | | GP0|#87fc0cd1-5cd8-4541-b87a-bdd5223c8e6e;L0|#087fc0cd1-5cd8-4541-b87a-bdd5223c8e6e|Laos;GTSet|#f1c3ac69-6cd4-4109-8ba8-137477ba8a7d;GPP|#af610d13-4793-4c57-8b8c-d4ea261d7a85;GPP|#62ebb633-b401-4243-a537-1a85230e4ebf | | | |