Family media specialist featured on Shaping Families

Sister Rose Pacatte, director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies and a member of the Daughters of St. Paul is interviewed on this week’s Shaping Families radio program.

Pacatte has dedicated much of her ministry to this issue and helps families think more mindfully about their media choices. She encourages parents to use media to deepen their relationship with their kids rather than make it a point of division between them.

Media reviewer Steve Carpenter, one of six “My Turn” segment speakers on the broadcast joins the program and reviews his favorite “Veggie Tales” video. Carpenter is also conference coordinator for Virginia Mennonite Conference and a regular reviewer on Third Way Café’s Media Matters.

Shaping Families radio program airs each weekend on 17 local radio stations and online at It is produced by Third Way Media through Mennonite Mission Network.