


Burkina Faso FasoBurkina Faso
Cote D' Ivoire D' IvoireCote D' Ivoire
South Africa AfricaSouth Africa



Master’s program in conflict transformation ignites vision for justice/peace in BeninPassion for peace!’s-program-in-conflict-transformation-ignites-vision-for-justice-peace-in-BeninMaster’s program in conflict transformation ignites vision for justice/peace in BeninBy Lynda Hollinger-Janzen
Bekah York invites Mission Network supporters to give to new ministriesSupport new ministries! York invites Mission Network supporters to give to new ministries
Mission worker used comforter-making to knot God’s people togetherObituary’s-people-togetherMission worker used comforter-making to knot God’s people togetherBy Lynda Hollinger-Janzen
Anabaptist Witness combines scholarship and global solidarity with Ethiopian issueAnabaptist Witness Witness combines scholarship and global solidarity with Ethiopian issueBy Henok T. Mekonin
Peer mediators gain self-esteem while working for community peacePeace camp mediators gain self-esteem while working for community peaceBy Sibonokuhle Ncube and Oscar Siwali
Benin Bible Institute renews a 20-year partnership with Indiana congregationBenin Bible Institute Bible Institute renews a 20-year partnership with Indiana congregationBy Lynda Hollinger-Janzen



Matthew and Toni Krabill and Toni KrabillMatthew and Toni KrabillGP0|#94dd45c1-9c16-47e9-a805-c9f21d72c576;L0|#094dd45c1-9c16-47e9-a805-c9f21d72c576|Ghana;GTSet|#f1c3ac69-6cd4-4109-8ba8-137477ba8a7d;GPP|#4d0e08ea-d1a0-4141-9eba-431183992152;GPP|#62ebb633-b401-4243-a537-1a85230e4ebf
Christy Harrison and Peter Sensenig Harrison and Peter SensenigChristy Harrison and Peter SensenigGP0|#e56a2330-6584-4aad-b22f-427f555751e1;L0|#0e56a2330-6584-4aad-b22f-427f555751e1|Chad;GTSet|#f1c3ac69-6cd4-4109-8ba8-137477ba8a7d;GPP|#4d0e08ea-d1a0-4141-9eba-431183992152;GPP|#62ebb633-b401-4243-a537-1a85230e4ebf



University of the Christian Alliance of Abidjan of the Christian Alliance of AbidjanUniversity of the Christian Alliance of Abidjan<p>​University of the Christian Alliance of Abidjan (UACA, formerly FATEAC) trains qualified leaders at the Master and Doctoral levels to serve in the African context.<br></p>
Ghana Mennonite Church Mennonite ChurchGhana Mennonite Church<p>The Ghana Mennonite Church started under Ghanaian leadership in the late 1950's and is found in the southern regions of Ghana.<br></p>
Nigerian Anabaptist Resource Center Anabaptist Resource CenterNigerian Anabaptist Resource Center<p>​Nigerian Anabaptist Resource Center (NARC) trains pastors and church planters in peacebuilding within the Middle Belt region of Nigeria.<br></p>
Mennonite Church Canada Church CanadaMennonite Church CanadaMennonite Church Canada is a fraternal agency based in Winnipeg, Canada, with ministries around the world.
La Casa Grande Fifatan Casa Grande FifatanLa Casa Grande Fifatan<p>La Casa Grande Fifatan is a Christian home for children who have nowhere else to live.</p>
Anabaptist Network in South Africa Network in South AfricaAnabaptist Network in South AfricaThe Anabaptist Network in South Africa (ANiSA) is a network of people, churches and organizations who want to embody a radical lifestyle centered around God's reconciling vision for the world, draw on the collective wisdom within the Anabaptist movement, and walk with, support, and grow communities of peace, justice, and reconciliation within South Africa.
Good News Theological Seminary News Theological SeminaryGood News Theological SeminaryGood News Theological Seminary provides biblical education and training for African church leaders.
Centre Evangélique de Formation en Communication pour l'Afrique Evangélique de Formation en Communication pour l'AfriqueCentre Evangélique de Formation en Communication pour l'AfriqueThe Center trains African leaders in the fields of Christian leadership, communication and media in French-speaking Africa.
Benin Bible Institute Bible InstituteBenin Bible InstituteBenin Bible Institute is an interdenominational Bible school that provides leadership training for Beninese churches.
Mission Inter Senegal Inter SenegalMission Inter SenegalMission Inter Senegal is a national mission organization that exists to send national missionaries to interior Senegal.
ONG Bethesda BethesdaONG BethesdaONG Bethesda is a community organization with three branches: health, community development, and savings and credit.
Nigeria Mennonite Church Mennonite ChurchNigeria Mennonite ChurchA denomination of 45 congregations divided into five dioceses.
Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission Inter-Mennonite MissionAfrica Inter-Mennonite Mission<a href="" target="_blank">Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission</a> is an evangelical Anabaptist gathering in which African, North American and European members are working together to become an answer to Jesus' prayer, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10 (NIV)<br>
Center for the Formation of Justice and Peace for the Formation of Justice and PeaceCenter for the Formation of Justice and Peace<p>​Center for the Formation of Justice and Peace (CFJP) is sponsored by a large partnership of theological schools and institutions that offer online courses related to Anabaptist theology for the French-speaking Christian world.<br></p>
Centre Universitaire Missiologique Universitaire MissiologiqueCentre Universitaire Missiologique<p>​Center Universitaire de Missiologique (University Center of Missiology) in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Its primary mission is academic research and formation in the service of the church. It is non-denominational but has strong Anabaptist roots and as such, continues to serve Anabaptist-Mennonite communities in DRC. <br></p>
Congo Partnership Council Partnership CouncilCongo Partnership Council<p>​Congo Partnership Council is an alliance of:<br></p><p><br></p><p></p><p><a href="/partners/Africa%20Inter-Mennonite%20Mission" target="_blank">Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission</a></p><p></p><p></p><p>Commuauté Evangélique Mennonite au Congo (Evangelical Mennonite Church of Congo)</p><p></p><p></p><p><a href="/partners/Comité%20de%20Mission%20Mennonite%20Français" target="_blank">Comité de Mission Mennonite Français</a> (French Committee of Mennonite Mission)</p><p></p><p></p><p>Communauté des Eglises de Fréres Mennonites au Congo (Mennonite Brethren Church of Congo)</p><p></p><p></p><p>Communauté Mennonite au Congo (Mennonite Church of Congo)</p><p></p><p></p><p>Mennonite Central Committee</p><p></p><p></p><p>Mennonite Church USA Executive Board</p><p></p><p></p><p>Mennonite Mission Network</p><p></p>
Juenes Espoir d'Afrique Espoir d'AfriqueJuenes Espoir d'Afrique<p>​Juenes Espoir d'Afrique (Youth - Hope of Africa) helps youth by providing life-skills education, job training and spiritual development.<br></p>
Meserete Kristos Seminary Kristos SeminaryMeserete Kristos Seminary<p>​Meserete Kristos Seminary provides biblical education and training for leaders of the Meserete Kristos Church.<br></p>
Fraternité Evangélique du Senegalé Evangélique du SenegalFraternité Evangélique du Senegal<p>​Fraternité Evangélique du Senegal (Evangelical Brotherhood of Senegal) is a national organization of church denominations and missions.<br></p>
Burgos (Spain) Mennonite Church (Spain) Mennonite ChurchBurgos (Spain) Mennonite Church