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Global Impact
Currently selected
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Choosing to do justice
GP0|#c82282c9-ac80-45f6-8913-587c567bdd34;L0|#0c82282c9-ac80-45f6-8913-587c567bdd34|Extending Beyond;GTSet|#bb9274b4-45fe-43f1-8b69-3df0b933cdb0;GPP|#a82c2124-212e-4f7a-b626-9a0c5a3534c2;GPP|#96e4d92c-656e-45f6-9cd5-ab8aed108e3c
<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Beyond/1030/Choosing to do justice
Choosing to do justice
By Marisa Smucker, Executive Director
Missio Dei booklets
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What is an Anabaptist Christian?
Volume 18
<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Dei/1/What is an Anabaptist Christian?
What is an Anabaptist Christian?
By Palmer Becker
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With steadfast devotion
Volume 33 Dei/1029/With steadfast devotion
With steadfast devotion
By Joseph C. L. Sawatzky
Women, 20 years of paving the way between dreams and hopes
Volume 32 Dei/955/Women, 20 years of paving the way between dreams and hopes
Women, 20 years of paving the way between dreams and hopes
Remembering forward
Volume 31 Dei/705/Remembering forward
Remembering forward
by Linda Shelly
The wind blows where it wishes
Volume 30 Dei/651/The wind blows where it wishes
The wind blows where it wishes
By Julián Guamán and Peter Wigginton
Not just disciples, but disciple makers
Volume 29 Dei/522/Not just disciples, but disciple makers
Not just disciples, but disciple makers
By Marvin Lorenzana
Creating an Anabaptist church-planting culture
Volume 28 Dei/512/Creating an Anabaptist church-planting culture
Creating an Anabaptist church-planting culture
Edited by James R. Krabill
Anabaptist Witness
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Mission and Peace in Ethiopia Witness/997/Mission and Peace in Ethiopia
Mission and Peace in Ethiopia
New Anabaptist Communities Witness/999/New Anabaptist Communities
New Anabaptist Communities
Mission and Education Witness/998/Mission and Education
Mission and Education
Extending Beyond
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Choosing to do justice
<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Beyond/1030/Choosing to do justice
Choosing to do justice
By Marisa Smucker, Executive Director
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We are better together Beyond/996/We are better together
We are better together
By Marisa Smucker, Executive Director
A people-driven purpose Beyond/969/A people-driven purpose
A people-driven purpose
By Marisa Smucker, Executive Director
We are called to work together Beyond/938/We are called to work together
We are called to work together
By Marisa Smucker, Interim Executive Director
Faith in action
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Refrigerator pictures prompt prayers
August 2021 in action/686/Refrigerator pictures prompt prayers
Refrigerator pictures prompt prayers
Tarjetas pegadas en la refrigeradora inspiran oraciones
August 2021 in action/687/Tarjetas pegadas en la refrigeradora inspiran oraciones
Tarjetas pegadas en la refrigeradora inspiran oraciones
Parted by miles, bonded in spirit
May 2021 in action/671/Parted by miles, bonded in spirit
Parted by miles, bonded in spirit
A millas de distancia, unidos en el espíritu
May 2021 in action/672/A millas de distancia, unidos en el espíritu
A millas de distancia, unidos en el espíritu
Letting go, pressing forward
February 2021 in action/652/Letting go, pressing forward
Letting go, pressing forward
Soltar y avanzar
February 2021 in action/653/Soltar y avanzar
Soltar y avanzar
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Pathways to hope and healing
December 2023 to hope and healing
Pathways to hope and healing
Inspire hope choose peace
November 2022 hope choose peace
Inspire hope choose peace
Transforming for our time
November 2021 for our time
Transforming for our time
Sharing God’s abundant hope during uncertain times
November 2020 God’s abundant hope during uncertain times
Sharing God’s abundant hope during uncertain times
Walking in peace through perplexing times
January 2020 in peace through perplexing times
Walking in peace through perplexing times
God's table
October 2018's table
God's table
Books >
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Herramientas para la construcción de la paz para la construcción de la paz
Herramientas para la construcción de la paz
Por Jessica Buller, Mauricio Chenlo Silvia Guaman y Peter Wigginton
Herramientas para la Plantación de Iglesias para la Plantación de Iglesias
Herramientas para la Plantación de Iglesias
Por Julián Guamán y Mauricio Chenlo
Fe y política, hacia la política de Jesús y política, hacia la política de Jesús
Fe y política, hacia la política de Jesús
Por Julián Guamán y Mauricio Chenlo
Shared Voices Voices
Shared Voices
By Mennonite Mission Network staff
Mission banks >
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Barcelona giving and receiving all year-round
GP0|#bc05b3e6-34a6-4ca3-8788-9d37fd2941b4;L0|#0bc05b3e6-34a6-4ca3-8788-9d37fd2941b4|Mission Banks;GTSet|#bb9274b4-45fe-43f1-8b69-3df0b933cdb0;GPP|#a82c2124-212e-4f7a-b626-9a0c5a3534c2;GPP|#96e4d92c-656e-45f6-9cd5-ab8aed108e3c
<img alt="Spain Mission Bank Tool" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Banks/582/Barcelona giving and receiving all year-round
Barcelona giving and receiving all year-round
Order banks and materials
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