An encounter with the power of the human spirit

Twenty people from across the United States joined Chapter 2 of Mennonite Mission Network’s Racial Justice Pilgrimage to South Africa. Rohrer Bomberger shares what he learned on that pilgrimage and how he experienced the power of the human spirit. Just Peace Pilgrimages are rooted in the belief that when you walk alongside someone, and you […]
Mennonite pastor hopes to begin dismantling ethnic tensions in the DRC

Mennonite Mission Network, along with many partners in Africa, Europe and North America, helped conceive Le Centre Formation à la Justice et à la Paix (CFJP, Justice and Peace Training Center) and has invested in nurturing this partnership. Fifteen theological schools and institutions have launched an accredited master’s degree in conflict transformation for the French-speaking world. […]
What is an Anabaptist Christian? (Anabaptism at 500 edition)

Palmer Becker, a lifelong Mennonite pastor and educator, summarizes Anabaptist understandings in three key statements: (1) Jesus is the center of our faith; (2) community is the center of our lives; and (3) reconciliation is the center of our work.
Shia Muslims pray for Christ to revive humanity

When Peter Sensenig went to Iran to speak at a conference, he saw an Arabic wall-hanging with a prayer addressed to Jesus in his host’s home. Shia Muslims look for the return of Christ to restore justice to the earth. Sensenig states that in Advent, Christians, too, are waiting for the coming of Christ. What […]
Exploring the history of colonialism and apartheid in South Africa — Just Peace Pilgrimage photos

20 people from across the United States joined Chapter 2 of Mennonite Mission Network’s Racial Justice Pilgrimage. The Just Peace Pilgrimage ran from October 16-27 and had the group travel from Johannesburg to Cape Town, exploring the long history and legacy of colonialism and apartheid — a political social engineering project based on racial segregation […]
New film, ‘Unexpected Peace,’ inspired by producer’s mission experience

Jonathan Bornman first encountered Muridiyya Muslims in Senegal, where he and his wife, Carol, served for 10 years — sent by a partnership between Friends of the Wolof (FOW), African Inter-Mennonite Mission and Mennonite Board of Missions (a predecessor agency of Mennonite Mission Network). Even though some of the Muridiyya joined the Bible study and nascent church fellowship that Bornman […]
Anti-Racism Grants

Grant applications are accepted from October to January. Awards are announced in the spring. Mennonite Mission Network is offering anti-racism grants for underfunded ministries and agencies in the United States managed by Asian, Black, Hispanic, Indigenous or other People of Color groups who are engaged in peacebuilding, social justice and anti-racism efforts. The grant program is an acknowledgment of […]
Say, “Bonjour!” to Joseph and Rachel

Find out what a “typical” day looks like for Joseph and Rachel Givens, the facilitators for the Maria Skobtsova House in Calais, France. Together with their family, the Givens welcome people who are on the move through Europe and seeking refuge en route to England. The Skobtsova house offers temporary shelter and meals. “[Our job is] […]
Choosing to do justice

I believe that Micah 6:8 is one of the clearest verses in the Bible concerning exactly what God expects of us. All we are required to do, depending on the translation you read, is to act justly, love mercy and humbly walk with God. It’s simple, right? However, I don’t believe this is actually a question […]
Building community, building peace

I recall a piece of paper I held onto for years. This was before memes became popular on the internet, but it had the same feel, only it was in print, instead of on a screen. It was a line drawing of two birds sitting on a tree branch, with snowflakes falling all around. The text […]
Peace and reconciliation workshop empowers Ecuador’s evangelical leaders

This article is based on a report from Consejo de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indigenas Evangélicos del Ecuador (Council of Indigenous Evangelical Peoples & Organizations – FEINE). Versión en español In the heart of Ecuador, FEINE Consejo de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indigenas Evangélicos del Ecuador (Council of Indigenous Evangelical Peoples & Organizations) began the Training School […]
Bear with one another in love

1 I, therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,3 making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace: 4 there is one body and […]